《实况足球2010》做脸套装工具 POC2010和OEdit

  • 补丁类别:实用工具
  • 补丁语言:中文
  • 补丁大小:0MB
  • 游戏类型:动作游戏
  • 发布日期:2022-03-31 14:01:52
  • 操作系统:Vista,winXP,win7,win8
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《实况足球2010》做脸套服专用工具 POC2010和OEdit POC2010,全名PES - OEDIT Converter,即PES的bin转化成能够OEDIT编辑工具 致力于pes2010设计方案 相互配合Oedit 3D Editor脸形制做专用工具使用 INSTRUCTIONS OEDIT ------------------------------- - This POC works with PES 2010 Faces Only, for PES 2009 faces use POC 2009. - STARTING - First go to options and setup the oedit path (this is only needed the first time you run POC). - Then browse for the bin file (face). After click on "PES to OEDIT" Button. - Oedit will be opened and it will show you the face. - TEXTURES - Face textures .dds and .bmp will be included in the same folder of your bin. - If the bin file is called face10.bin textures files will be named face10.bin.dds and face10.bin.bmp - You can choose not to export textures by unchecking export texture. - IN OEDIT - Once in Oedit to load the face texture go to TEXTURE menu and click on MANAGE TEXTURE. Load the bmp file placed in the same folder that your bin. - After you have made the changes you want go to FILE menu and SAVE. - Close Oedit. - IMPORTING TEXTURES - Under the OEDIT TO PES button you will find two options : .dds or .bmp. The one checked will be imported. - IMPORTING FACE - Now click on OEDIT To PES button of POBC. - Finally import the bin file to the AFS file using AFS Explorer. Credits : ---------- Authors: Ariel SAntarelli, Skunk, Stelios Graphic Design : StefanACM 67058040 公布

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