暗黑破坏神3 官方攻略指南PDF电子版

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  • 补丁语言:中文
  • 补丁大小:0MB
  • 游戏类型:动作游戏
  • 发布日期:2022-03-24 09:20:46
  • 操作系统:Vista,winXP,win7,win8
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 不同于以前470MB的 Web Flash 网页页面版攻略本,
 Series Features ISBN:9780744013108,
 规格:8.5” x 11”,
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Receive some of the most ambitious coverage ever provided in a BradyGames walkthrough, including coverage of every quest in Diablo III.
A visual encyclopedia of the creatures in the game, including critical stats and detailed descriptions of special attacks, abilities, and behaviors.
 A complete rundown of the active and passive skills for each character class.
 A complete overview of the Diablo III crafting system.
 A comprehensive exhaustive listing of the base equipment items, weapons, armor, and accessories.
 An extensive official resource for buying and selling items in the Diablo III auction house, Blizzard’s player-driven online trading system.

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