骑马与砍杀战团 v1.134MOD:自由枪骑兵(FreeLancer)

  • 补丁类别:其他补丁
  • 补丁语言:中文
  • 补丁大小:3.90MB
  • 游戏类型:动作游戏
  • 发布日期:2022-03-16 09:45:43
  • 操作系统:Vista,winXP,win7,win8
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Fixes and updated code that created problems with menus

Fixes with scripts working with equipment allocation.

*Jriders Presentations - Includes who your commander is in player report.

Freelancer 1.2 includes the following features

•In-Game Report on Commanders Party

•The ability to go to the town the Lord has entered

•Factions remember what your last rank was with them. When you return they will remember you and your previous status. (unless you desert or rebel)

•Players kill count at the end of battles.

•You only have a 14 day grant of leave, after 14 days you will be branded a deserter. (Thanks to DrTomas for the main idea) •Opportunity to gain ranks

•New equipment & higher pay for each rank

•Ability to desert the army and take followers with

•Ability to revolt against the lord and release prisoners

•Ability to go on personal leave and remain part of commanders army.

•Interact with commander in a meeting scene

•Ask commander personally to retire from service

•No need to hold space bar while commander travels

•Quartermaster hands you food when you are low.

•Carry your lords heraldry on armor and shields;

•You can no longer have prisoners as a common soldier

•A few more bug fixes, ie complete removal of \"that was a good fight\" bug

•Relations change when you are not in lords army (vacation)

•Player being able to pick up items from the battlefield and keeping them.

•Player unable to ride a horse in battle unless his/her troop tier uses them

•Revamped and detailed equipment system so player get everything they are meant to (yes and helms)

•Troops will get a guaranteed shield if their troop tier usually has them

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